The Clockwork Game Design Podcast is a game design podcast hosted by me. Some episodes are a bunch of talking and thinking about a specific issue in game design. Some episodes are longer form interviews with some of the smartest people working in the field. Most episodes also address listener comments and questions, and other stuff.
Wanna chat about something you heard on the show? Visit our Discord, here!
Guest highlights:
- Carolyn Petit (co-host of The Feminist Frequency)
- Raph Koster (designer, author of A Theory of Fun)
- Dan Cook (designer behind Triple Town, Cozy Grove, theorist)
- Frank Lantz (designer and former head of the NYU Game Center)
- Naomi Clark (designer and current head of the NYU Game Center!)
- Richard Terrell (designer and theorist)
- Tanya X. Short (designer at Kitfox Games)
- Tim Fowers (board game designer)
- Tevis Thompson (writer)
- Geoff Englestein (designer, creator/host of the Ludology podcast)
- Jon Schafer (designer of Civilization V, At the Gates)
- James Lantz (designer of Invisible, Inc, Don’t Starve Together)
- Tadhg Kelly (theorist)
- Greg Street (lead designer at Riot Games)
- And a bunch more!
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