For the last few months, I’ve been trying to stream just about every day, Monday through Friday, from about 2-5:00 PM EST (roughly). I’ve been making more and more improvements to it, and trying to make it into a “show” of sorts. On this show, I mostly do game dev on my new game Gem Wizards Tactics, but I also have game design discussion sessions (including the occasional call-in from community members).
I’m experimenting with a few different formats, but right now I’m thinking we’ll have three different kinds of shows:
Mondays and Thursdays: Design Discussion
On Design Discussion days, we would take the full three hours and talk in detail about 1 or 2 game design topics, usually based on an article, a podcast, a video, or a specific idea in games. For example, a few weeks ago we talked about this Brett Lowey article on Skill Compensation, here:
That would be the general gist of what we would do for a lot of this, and I have a Google Doc (which you can find on our Discord) up where people can suggest new topics.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Critical Play
So, it turns out that people really like to watch people play videogames on this Twitch website. Weird! Last week I played through the Resident Evil 2 demo, and it was pretty cool going through it and giving my thoughts on the design, art and other aspects of game development. It’s a good time! Some games that I plan to play over the next few weeks: Skyrim, X-Com 2, Militia 2, probably some newer Final Fantasy games, maybe some of the From Software games, probably the new Kojima thing when it comes to PC—as well as a bunch of community games. Come join the fun!
Wednesday: Dev Day
On Wednesday, I’ll just be working on Gem Wizards Tactics (or another game, if I’m working on another game). I’ve made a decision to try to work less on programming while on stream, and more on other stuff, so Dev Days should be more interesting than my dev-streams of the past.
On any day, anyone is more than welcome to call in with your thoughts, questions, challenges or anything else, and I hope you do! PM me on Discord (click on Chat above) to ask when’s a good time to call in.
Make sure to subscribe to my Twitch channel to not miss a stream – or, you can follow Keith Burgun Games on Twitter, where there will also be daily show announcements.
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