The 2nd edition of Clockwork Game Design is now available

Hey y’all! This is just a quick post to let you all know that the 2nd edition of CLOCKWORK GAME DESIGN, my second book on game design, is now available from the publisher’s site. Some quick thoughts on this edition:

  • It is massively, massively improved in my opinion from the first edition. It was rather painful to go through, because I now find some of the stuff I said to be… getting way out ahead of my skis in some ways in the first edition. The first edition took on the burden of proof, in a bunch of ways that it really did not need to do to make its basic points (and the basic points of the book, I still think are really helpful and good).
  • It has a new foreword from the amazing game designer and educator NAOMI CLARK, which… I cannot thank her enough for her kindness in writing such an amazing foreword for me.
  • The cover of the book is a photo I took myself!

Anyway, I know it’s somewhat expensive, but I did want to let people know that this book is out! If you have any thoughts on the 2nd Edition I’d love to hear them.